Voor Uitwendige Therapieën in de Anthroposofische Verplegkunde


Ingevulde vragenlijsten ontvangen wij graag per email, fax of gewone mail/ post.

Emailadres: care@vademecum.org
Fax: (0049) - (0)7555-801209

Verband für Anthroposophische Pflege e.V.
Redaktionsgruppe Pflegevademecum
Haberschlaiheide 1/215
70794 Filderstadt

Hier kunt u de vragenlijst downloaden (pdf).

Ingevulde vragenlijsten kunt u direct per e-mail terugsturen. U kunt het formulier echter ook printen en ons per "gewone" post zenden.

Graag per therapie één aparte formulier invullen

Helaas laat de Nederlandse vertaling van onze website nog even op zich wachten. Dus nog een opmerking op Engels:

Again and again we meet colleagues who are of the opinion, that their own experiences with the external applications are not significant enough to be of any interest for the Vade Mecum. So far we were always able to prove they are. So please don't think your experiences are not important, even if you might have made them already some years ago, so that you don't remeber all the details. Rather leave a few gaps in your report, as long as the general idea is still clear.
We are looking forward to receiving your experience report :-)

Please notice: Depending on the browswer your are using, it might be necessary to first open the questionnaire with "Adobe Reader" or first save the file in order to be able to fill in your contents and/ or send it off.