External Applications in Anthroposophic Nursing

Juniper Oil Pelvic Floor Bladder Compress

Kind of substance

Juniper oil

Guiding principle for the application

Bladder compresses are usually applied to the lower abdomen. From there they penetrate only with difficulty down to the pelvic floor and it is just there that infections nestle in the mucous membrane of the trigone at the bottom of the urinary bladder – as if sinking into a swamp – where they are difficult to reach via external treatment.
A compress wrapped around the pelvic floor can act on this area at close range, providing substance and warmth effects.
This application was developed by Dr. Maria Kusserow at the homeopathic-anthroposophic clinic of Klinikum Heidenheim, based on her clinical experience that urinary tract infections often cannot be healed sustainably with ordinary bladder compresses, and her knowledge that infections tend to implant themselves in the trigone of the bladder floor.
The wrapped pelvic floor bladder compress is an integrating application. It integrates the entire lower body from the iliac crest back into the rest of the organism.


  • Acute urinary tract infection/cystitis
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Incontinence
  • Voiding disorder
  • Prostatitis
  • Irritable bladder
  • Overflow incontinence



  • This wrapped compress can be used with an aqueous solution of the substance (usually an Equisetum decoction) as a moist compress, or as a dry compress, with juniper oil sprinkled on the two inner cloths. Below is the description for the oil compress.
  • Another option (especially for acute infections) is to use Equisetum ex herba W5% oil (WALA).

  • Juniper wood and berry essential oil in safflower oil

Prescription from the pharmacy:
  -  Safflower oil 20 ml
  -  Oleum juniperi baccarae DAB, 5 drops (juniper berry etheric oil)
  -  Oleum juniperi e ligno DAB, 5 drops (juniper wood etheric oil)
  • 2 hot-water bottles to warm up the cloths
  • 1 freezer bag
  • 1 large bath towel, folded lengthwise 1 x, warmed up
  • 1 standard-sized hand towel, folded lengthwise 3 x, warmed up
  • 2 inner cloths for the oil: 2 smooth cotton cloths, each approx. 36 x 12 cm (reaching from the anus to a hand’s breadth over the symphysis), each folded 4–6 times

  • Place the heated bath towel, folded 1 x in length, horizontally to the patient under the buttocks. The two trochanters (center of the hip joints) lie in the middle.
  • Place the heated hand towel, folded 3 times lengthwise, vertically under the buttocks so that it can reach over the bladder. Correct any excess length of towel on the back side (pull it up).
  • Sprinkle the two inner cloths with oil and warm them up (put the cloths in the freezer bag before warming them).
  • From the anus, lead both cloths over the pelvic floor to the bladder, the bladder must be completely covered. That is why there are 2 cloths, so that you can lay them each toward the groin and cover the bladder.
  • Draw the vertical terrycloth towel closely over them towards the navel, then snugly cover the entire area with the bath towel from both sides, crossing downwards (= diagonally downwards towards the legs, one end on top of the other).
  • Make sure that there is no “bridge of cold” between the lower wrapping area and the thighs!
  • Settle the patient in accordance with the “General instructions for applying compresses”

  • Duration: at least 30 minutes
  • Post-treatment rest: 30 minutes

Well-proven in many patients
1 x daily
Onset of effect
Length of therapy
Several days to several weeks, depending on the symptoms
Other recommended therapies
As a substitute for the pharmacy prescription, use Juniper 5% oil (berries only), Dr.Heberer

Instructions to download

Case example

Example case 1
A patient, 80 years old, with phases of exhaustion and a residual urine volume of 70–100 ml, repeatedly suffers from cystitis, without fever, but with severe symptoms. Due to continuous incontinence caused by infection, she can hardly leave the house. Currently, she is experiencing a third recurrence of a series of three consecutive illnesses. A pelvic floor bladder compress is prescribed. The caregiver lets the rushed patient “arrive”, by having her lie in bed with hot-water bottles on her feet and knees for half an hour. The patient sleeps during this time. After removing the hot-water bottles, the caregiver administers the pelvic floor bladder compress (as an oil wrap with juniper berry and wood oil).
While in the compress the patient experiences the following: a pleasant experience of hollow space develops in the area of the bladder, the rounding of the boundary of this structure is pleasantly geometric, the round structure is relatively large (the bladder itself is only a small structure), the whole area becomes wide, light, bright, rather silver, as if clarified and pure. First the compress feels cool, then warmth starts to generate of its own accord. During the post-treatment rest, the patient experiences the integration of the now no longer painful pelvic floor (abdomen) and the bladder (abdominal wall area) into the rest of her body, her body feels like a whole. From her waist to her feet there is mild but distinct warmth. After that, anthroposophic medication is used to support healing, but without the use of antibiotics. The compress was only applied once, for external reasons. In the observation period (one year at this point), there was no recurrence, despite repeated phases of exhaustion.

Example case 2
A patient with frequently occurring prostatitis, 3–4 times a year, with bladder voiding disfunction since then, which has necessitated repeated catheterization.
Since the last prostatitis with multiple antibiotic treatments, the patient noticed a significant drop in performance, with rapid fatigue and weight loss of 4 kg.
During this in-patient stay, the patient experienced a significant improvement in performance after only one week.
He found the pelvic floor bladder compress with juniper oil to be particularly helpful: “Especially the oil compress with juniper creates such a pleasant warmth in the bladder—at the moment I even have to catheterize less—and the unpleasant pressure in the bladder is seemingly gone.”


Red., MK, BH


  • Diederich K. Der Wacholder, Der Merkurstab 2014;67 (4): 290–293